Friday, March 19, 2010

No More Being Shackled During Childbirth ?

Until recently, it's been standard practice for female prisoners in Pennsylvania to remain shackled while GIVING BIRTH. But it looks like things are about to change . . .

That's because this week, the Pennsylvania state senate unanimously passed the Healthy Birth for Incarcerated Women Act, which bans the shackling of female inmates during childbirth.

It would also prevent prisoners from being shackled on their way to the hospital, and for a "reasonable" amount of time after the delivery. The only exceptions are if an inmate is a threat to herself or others, or if she's considered a flight risk.

A Democrat named Daylin Leach introduced the bill. He says, quote, "This is common sense legislation that clears up an issue that should have been standardized years ago.

"To endanger a woman and her unborn child during birth simply because she is under custody of the state is a misguided practice."

Now the bill needs to pass in the House of Representatives before it can be signed into law.

(Grant Daily / All Headline News)

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